terça-feira, 23 de março de 2021

Bandeira Branca 🏳️

Sad Bahia,
oh, how dissimilar

You are and I am from our old state
Poor I see you, you
committed to me
I see you rich, you already me abundant
Sad Bahia, oh, how dissimilar
Touched you
the merchant machine

Who your wide bar has entered
He has been changing me and has been changing
So much business and so much dealer
Sad, oh, how dissimilar,

Pastinha has already been to Africa

To show capoeira from Brazil

I already live so tired
To live here on Earth
My mom, I'm going to the moon
I plus my wife
Let's make a ranch
Everything made of thatch,

my mom I'm going to the moon

And be what God wants

Sad, oh, how dissimilar
Ô, ô, rooster crows
The cock crowed, buddy
Ê, cocorocô, ê cocorocô, camará

Yeah, ..., let's go, buddy
Ê, ..., ê around the world

Ê, ..., ê, sad Bahia, camará

White flag stuck in strong stick

Afoxé leí, leí, leô

The steam from the waterfall no longer sails in the sea

Sad Recôncavo
Oh, how dissimilar
Maria standing in the bush it's time
Get your skirt and let's go

Foot in, foot out, whoever has a small foot goes away

Oh, pure mother virgin

White flag stuck in strong stick

Composers: Caetano Emmanuel Veloso and Gregorio Mattos

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